That’s right! Like that rash, the world’s most dramatically satisfying entertainment is coming back, and we welcome it with the same enthusiasm.
The teaser poster dropped yesterday. You can see it in full here, and also entertain yourself with hundreds of pieces dedicated to writers trying to find new ways of saying “there’s ice and there’s fire in it.”

There is a bit of meat on the bone, and it comes in the form of the first teaser trailer, which was released about an hour ago. In it, we see the very nicely rendered House sigils spinning around and crumbling, while we hear old dialogue from past seasons. Looks like Deadpan was serious about “breaking the wheel.” And I’m crying happy tears that Cheryl’s big boom was shown engulfing the Tyrell rose. It ends with Jon Snow saying, “There’s only one war that matters, the great war—and it is here.” Despite having just watched every single Jon Snow scene from Season 6 over the past weekend to prepare for that particular retrospective, I truly can’t remember if this is new dialogue or not. I will say the sigils crumbling into that spiraly shape was a good idea, though 10 points from Gryffindor for that eyeball.
You can watch the teaser below, but the most important takeaway is at the very very end: Game of Thrones returns to us July 16th. 128 days from now, which is just enough time to…rewatch all of Avatar the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra and enjoy actual quality TV entertainment.