Saturday, February 8, 2025

5 Party Games That Will Make You Laugh Endlessly

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We love party games here at The Fandomentals which is why we’ve got another list of five games guaranteed to make you laugh, even if you don’t win. Party games need to be quick and easy to learn, and then entertaining and fun to play and these five all fit the brief! You can play them at any kind of party, except maybe serious ones.

Cool Cool Cool

From Twogether Studios, Cool Cool Cool ($14) is all about quick competition. Expanding on the classic slap game genre with rule combos that change each time you play. Designed for two to six players ages nine and older, with a playtime of around fifteen minutes, you’ll want to keep playing rounds in this party game. The game was created after the designers realized just how many people in the world use the word cool!

The game comes with slappable linen finish cards with unique illustrations, 8 rules cards, and of course the rules making it small and easily portable.

cards and rule book next to cool cool cool box

Whenever players see a win condition like a pile where two cards are the same with a different card between them, you slap like Spoons and try to collect the most cards before any of the players runs out since that’s what ends the games. Simple, yet fun and entertaining!

I Feel Attacked

From Indie Boards & Cards, the I Feel Attacked ($25) games come in the regular version for teens and adults, and an NSFW version where players compare personality traits and either feel attacked or end up attacking others. Four to ten players each get six cards.

Flip the top card and whoever that card describes is the first judge who picks a card from their hand and reads it aloud and players place the card in their hand that they feel matches that awful personality trait.

card examples from i feel attacked

This game is perfect for people who love to compare random things like “people who use beard oil” and “people who vape”. The judge picks the card he likes best as the match and the person who played that card wins and the game continues from there. With 275 cards you won’t run out of combinations and hands anytime soon.


I can’t believe there hadn’t been a game like this before. Chicken! ($40) from Keymaster Games is all about pushing your luck in a group of up to eght players. Will you keep rolling dice or chicken out and begin from a safer spot on the board with less dice? Players take turns rolling their dice and try to get 25 points, but you only get two rolls per turn. If you roll foxes on the dice though…you don’t get any turns.

But if you accumulate a lot of dice, that’s a lot more points! Our own Brody has a full review of Chicken! and you can learn more exactly how the game gets dicey (hah) but is also perfect for a party because everyone gets really invested in what’s going on in the game. The game also has delightful art and comes in a tube! I just think that’s great.

Smug Owls

Did I originally plan to have two bird games, no, but it works out because the fourth game on our list, Smug Owls ($20) from Runaway Parade Games, is the ‘anything goes’ riddle game that I didn’t know I needed. And it includes slapping.

Created for three to fifteen(!) players, games take about fifteen to twenty minutes. The what and question mark cards are always on the table and over eight rounds, players try to pick the best answer to a riddle created by the magic deck. Whoever can’t think of an answer gets to be the judge and that judge gives whoever they want the cards based on the answer and then whoever has the most cards wins at the end!

It’s a clever game because you don’t have to do anything but think and in a big group the answers can go from seriously well thought out answers to….well probably unrepeatable in proper company.

Adventure Party

So Adventure Party: The Role Playing Party Game is actually a coming soon game for three to six players that you can still back on BackerKit for Smirk and Dagger (it’s set to launch in 2024). It takes role playing and having a game master and turns them into a guessing master. Over the course of three adventure scenarios the party must work together to collectively attempt to score the most Experience Points possible.

adventure party role playing partying game

Players take turns rolling their 20-sided die in secret and must describe what their character does and the outcome of their actions. The GM must guess the number that the player rolled as closely as possible to earn the entire party Experience Points.

This is one of those games that only works if the players go all in on their descriptions which also makes the game much more enjoyable to play. I personally, suck at that so my friends had more fun than me, but I think it’s lovely party game and the adventure scenarios and characters are all really cool!

Images and review copies courtesy of respective owners

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  • Seher

    Seher is the Associate Editor-in-Chief at The Fandomentals focusing on the ins and outs of TV, media representation, games, and other topics as they pique her interest. pc: @poika_

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