The Fandomentals runs entirely on volunteers, which means that we absolutely could not make any of this happen without you. A lot goes into running a site like ours; fees and unexpected maintenance? On our website? It’s more likely than you think. That’s why we’re so appreciative of every dollar sent by supporters like you.
To give you a peek behind the curtain of what your donations go toward, our biggest expenses are franchise fees ($800), website hosting ($565), Google Suite ($500), and then on top of that we pay taxes – yay small business. Just those items alone (and we can’t forget taxes!) come to almost half of the entire cost of running the site
There are plenty of smaller expenses too, like our podcast hosting ($120), site repair/emergency maintenance (roughly $200 on a good year), and our events calendar software ($100) plus about a dozen other smaller expenses ranging from $20 to $100 a piece. It costs us about $4k to keep the site up and running every year, and while we do receive funding from ad revenue and FM+ subscriptions, we pay the rest of the associated costs directly out of pocket.
All of which is to say, every little bit counts. We love what we do here, and aren’t going anywhere for the foreseeable future because we believe in what we’re offering and want to keep putting out high-quality media analysis, news, reviews, and other geeky things.
We are deeply grateful for everything you’ve done to support us over the past few years; they’ve been rough for everyone and we hope that will change soon. As we look to what comes next, your support, both financially and simply by reading and engaging with our pieces, means everything to us.
If you’re interested in supporting what we do here, consider becoming a Fandomentals+ member! It costs $5 a month, and you get a bunch of perks; who doesn’t like perks? Every other month you’ll get access to subscriber-only articles by our team of editors. On top of that, you have access to members-only live watches, streams, and a special Discord channel. If that doesn’t work for you, you can make a much-appreciated one-time donation.
As always, the most important thing you can do to support us is to like and share our articles on social media so that others can join the Fandomentals community. It may not sound like much, but it’s a huge help!
You can donate directly via PayPal.