You’ve heard of stress balls, fidget spinners, and every variation of the “keep your hands busy” toy, well now there’s brightly colored putty that isn’t sticky or gross to add to the list.
From Crazy Aaron’s comes over 60 different putties, many with special effects, so there’s a lot to pick from for fans of putty. The two I received to try out were Stress Ball and Hocus Pocus.
Stress Ball was perfect for this month, as you stretch the putty it gets harder to move until you smoosh it all together and start over. Bright blue with sparkles (!) it’s a gorgeous finish and was super easy to pull out of the tin and use.
Similarly Hocus Pocus which came with a light to make designs in the putty and was just as easy to remove and use. This one also glowed in the dark! Very cool.
Hocus Pocus Stress Ball
Created by Aaron Muderick, the putty is marketed as “creative, innovative products to inspire curiosity and wonder and to educate and delight our customers all over the world.”
At $15 a tin (though others are cheaper) the putty is a great price since they’ll last forever, probably. The putty is also non-toxic and easy to clean on the off-chance that you forget about it and leave it somewhere. And for people who like to reuse packaging, the tins can easily turn into something else.
After playing with the two different putties I went to the website and got sucked in. They’ve got magnetic putty which comes with a magnet! There’s also scented putty and liquid putty!! What is liquid putty you ask?
It’s clear putty in the tin, cloudy when you play with it, and it goes back to clear if you leave it alone. That’s pretty cool.
Overall, I think the putty from this company is worth the cost, and for the little ones in your life, or if we’re ever allowed to have parties again, it’s a great coffee table toy.
Images courtesy of Crazy Aaron’s.
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